The conversation arose after bringing up former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and the possibility her run for president in 2016. I personally have always been an admirer of Mrs. Clinton. All political views aside, she is an outstanding role model for women. Showing us all that women can successfully hold a position of power and be confident and effective in that role.
The term feminism has ambiguous meaning for some. Merriam Webster defines feminism as "the theory of political, economic and social equality of the sexes."
I'll admit, before I was educated on the topic of feminism, I had very closed mind view of what being a feminist actually is. When I thought feminist, I pictured a man hating, anti-shaving, protesting, most likely lesbian woman.
How would I ever know any different? The media constantly portrays feminists as just what I described. When in reality, most of us are feminists and don't even realize it. Most people would shudder in disgust at the suggestion that they may hold feminist views, or God forbid the consider themselves a feminist.
By definition there are a lot more feminist then we think. Should women receive equal pay for equal work? Should women be eligible for the same promotions in the workplace as men? Should a woman's vote count as much as a man's? This is a simple question for many people.Of course. We are all people. Americans. Men and women.
Its 2013 and we have many woman in powerful positions in this country, and even in the world. We have come a long way from the thought that a woman's sole responsibly was to keep a tidy home and take care of her children. But we still have a way to go for complete equality between both sexes.
I'll admit, before I was educated on the topic of feminism, I had very closed mind view of what being a feminist actually is. When I thought feminist, I pictured a man hating, anti-shaving, protesting, most likely lesbian woman.
How would I ever know any different? The media constantly portrays feminists as just what I described. When in reality, most of us are feminists and don't even realize it. Most people would shudder in disgust at the suggestion that they may hold feminist views, or God forbid the consider themselves a feminist.
By definition there are a lot more feminist then we think. Should women receive equal pay for equal work? Should women be eligible for the same promotions in the workplace as men? Should a woman's vote count as much as a man's? This is a simple question for many people.Of course. We are all people. Americans. Men and women.
Its 2013 and we have many woman in powerful positions in this country, and even in the world. We have come a long way from the thought that a woman's sole responsibly was to keep a tidy home and take care of her children. But we still have a way to go for complete equality between both sexes.