
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Commercial of the Week Via "AdWeek's Top 10 Commercials of the Week"

This week in commercials were all great. They were bursting with creativity. I couldn't choose my favorite. But to pick one, I'll choose the Pepsi Max "Mirrors" featuring their new spokesmodel, Beyonce:

I absolutely love me some Beyonce, but the reason I picked this once isn't because I thought it was the best. Yes, it was a great commercial. The nostalgia of Beyonce's career was on point. But is this a commercial for Mrs. Carter's upcoming tour, or for Pepsi Max? It doesn't make me want to go buy a Pepsi Max, but it does inspire me to buy tickets for her concert.

Every few years Pepsi has a big name performer as the face of the brand. They shell out millions of dollars for their contract, but for what? They are still number 2, behind Coke. If you ask me, this does more for Beyonce's career then Pepsi's.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Webby Awards Throwbacks via Mashable

The Webby Awards just celebrated its 16th year awarding Internet greats and trailblazers.  Teaming up with Internet Explorer, they dug into the archive of winners and nominees in their Gallery + Archive. Check them out!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Pope Francis has Social Media Interns?

With the election of Pope Francis as head of the Catholic church earlier this March, many people, Catholics and non-Catholics wondered if the new Pope would create a Twitter account as previous Pope Benedict had. The answer came March 13th minutes after Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina stepped out as the newly elected Pope.

"HABEMUS PAPAM FRANCISCUM" (meaning, We have Pope Francis, in Latin) read the tweet from the resurrected @Pontifex Twitter account that was disabled shortly after former Pope Benedict announced his retirement. Since then, the twitter account has been consistently updated by Pope Francis's team. 
Soon after Pope Benedict announced his retirement, Villanova undergrads Sean Hudgins and Danielle McMonagle were hired as social media interns. 

Read the original article and interview from Mashable. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Hashtag

Although the use of a hashtag has been a huge part of the social media marketing world for a few years now, solely to Twitter. The hashtag is a tool to "mark keywords" through the social media site. It creates a category for similar thoughts.

For instance, live tweeting at an event and adding a similar hashtag (i.e., #SXSW2013, or #GrammyRedCarpet2013) creates a community of users who are using that hashtag phrase.

Right now in Washington D.C. the Supreme Court is discussing the issue of same sex marriage. The Twitter-verse is a buzz with opinions and support for each side of the matter. Users adding #DOMA or #SCOTUS have linked themselves to other users tweeting on the same matter. When a hashtag is used, it automatically hyperlinks the word or phrase to the "trending" list, which is where it matches up with other common tweeters.

Businesses use this tool to connect and track their customers. By promoting the usage of a certain hashtag when tweeting about particular product or service, it connects that community to each other and the business.

Many other social media platforms have adopted the hashtag tool to connect its users. Check out this article on Flickr recently adding the hashtag tool to its iOS app.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Commercial of the Week Via "AdWeek's Top 10 Commercials of The Week"

AdWeek picked 10 great ads from this week, per usual. Here is my number on pick from the bunch.

Microsoft has it spot on in my opinion. As a consumer of Microsoft programs, Outlook is a utility in Office that doesn't get much love from the advertising world. Maybe it speaks for itself, in any way it is cool to see what Microsoft has come up with to put Outlook in the top of our mind. 

Microsoft has unveiled so many great products and updates this year. Showing their roots a little bit with an spot solely featuring Outlook's new capabilities is smart. Not to mention that not-so-subtle nod supporting marriage equality, how could I not like this one! 

See AdWeeks full list here.

Charles Barkley on Twitter?! Via AdWeek: Capital One May Get Charles Barkley on Twitter

Former NBA star Charles Barkley has joined Alec Baldwin as Capital One's spokesperson. The NCAA March Madness focused ads featuring Barkley use Twitter as another connection to viewers. Capital One is using #RallyCry to "tweet your team to the top," which appeals to the majority of viewers. What's the problem with this? Capitol One is hopeful to convince Barkley into creating a Twitter account to promote the "#RallyCry" campaign to his followers.

Barkley previously dissed the social media giant in this video:

Read the original article on the possibility of Twitter hater Charles Barkley joining the social media site.

Charles Barkley on Twitter?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Via Social Times: Launches Tool to Turn Your Google Analytics Stats into an Infographic recently launched a "visual reporting tool" to translate Google Analytics into infographics. is a database that allows users to present visually appealing data. Infographics are typically used to make boring and sometimes confusing information easily understandable.

When translating data into an infographic, it is typically used for presentation purposes. To make data friendly to those non-industry folk.

See the Social Times story here:

This image is an example of what the tool can do for your data. (from Social Times)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Via: SocialTimes "Pinterest Releases Analytics Tool, Defines Metrics"

Pinterest announced their new analysis tool for tracking user activity. The social media site has become a mecca for crafty moms, the aspiring wedding planner, and the latest internet memes. But for businesses, it can be just as useful. If you haven't used Pinterest, the simplest way to explain it comes straight from their mouths, "A tool for collecting and organizing the things you love."
Pinterest is a user-friendly interface where users find, organize, and store everything from their favorite products, to new recipes, to photography. Users are also able to upload original content to the site via their own accounts. How does this matter for business?
Businesses large and small have been utilizing Pinterest as a segue to their site. By clicking on the pin, it directs the user to the business's website where they can find the product that is shown in the specific pin.
Through Pinterest's new analysis tool, business who have Pin boards that link to their companies website are able to track the impressions and referral traffic. Read more about this tool here:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What does feminism mean?

Currently in the news, there has been quite some chatter about equal opportunities for women. I am hugely passionate about this topic. I recently heard an opinion on feminism that really surprised me. Coming from a woman, she stated that she believes women should receive equal pay for equal work and have the same opportunities as men. But what she disagrees with is that a woman should not be allowed to hold a position of power, such as the presidency.

The conversation arose after bringing up former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and the possibility her run for president in 2016. I personally have always been an admirer of Mrs. Clinton. All political views aside, she is an outstanding role model for women. Showing us all that women can successfully hold a position of power and be confident and effective in that role. 

The term feminism has ambiguous meaning for some. Merriam Webster defines feminism as "the theory of political, economic and social equality of the sexes."

I'll admit, before I was educated on the topic of feminism, I had very closed mind view of what being a feminist actually is. When I thought feminist, I pictured a man hating, anti-shaving, protesting, most likely lesbian woman.

How would I ever know any different? The media constantly portrays feminists as just what I described. When in reality, most of us are feminists and don't even realize it. Most people would shudder in disgust at the suggestion that they may hold feminist views, or God forbid the consider themselves a feminist.

By definition there are a lot more feminist then we think. Should women receive equal pay for equal work? Should women be eligible for the same promotions in the workplace as men? Should a woman's vote count as much as a man's? This is a simple question for many people.Of course. We are all people. Americans. Men and women.

Its 2013 and we have many woman in powerful positions in this country, and even in the world. We have come a long way from the thought that a woman's sole responsibly was to keep a tidy home and take care of her children. But we still have a way to go for complete equality between both sexes.